Many websites now require you to pay for their services which also require using your credit card. When you wish to make a payment online, but don’t want anyone to know it was you, there are a few different ways to accomplish this.
When you’re making an online payment it simply requires a credit card. If you choose to be anonymous one way to do this is by stopping by your local gas station or pharmacy and purchasing a prepaid credit card. Although this method is only truly anonymous if you pay with cash.
This method is similar to using a prepaid card but you are cutting out the middleman, which in this case is the physical card itself. A virtual credit card can be obtained online through various companies, however, it’s not always the most ideal as you still need to load money onto the card somehow.
Over the last few years, Bitcoin has been providing it’s users an anonymous payment method. The more it grows the more popular it becomes and is now being used and trusted by websites as an acceptable payment method.
In order for this to work you need to set up a Bitcoin wallet which requires a bit of setup. It’s a good way to pay anonymously online, but you need to keep in mind that if you obtain Bitcoins through your bank account it technically can be traced back to you. For the most part, it is anonymous but it’s not perfect.
Although PayPal was not designed to be anonymous, there is a certain way in which you can set it up to be nearly anonymous. When trying to achieve this there are several factors you need to take into consideration in order for it to work.
You can access your PayPal account through a VPN which hides your real IP address and link your account to a prepaid debit or credit card. This way the card and account cannot be traced back to you.
Although this method may require knowledge of computers and can be time-consuming, it’s a good way to make sure that even though your payments are anonymous, they’re safe.
PayPal is one of the most popular methods to pay online and has been trusted for years by high-end online retailers as a precaution to keep their customer’s information safe. By taking these steps it will still be just as safe as well as nearly invisible.
When you choose to make anonymous payments online there are ways to do it without leaving a paper trail, literally.
Even though you are an online ghost you still need to be aware while paying online and make sure that if there were a way to trace the payment, you will keep your personal information safe.